How To Crown Yourself a Millionaire MMOOMM

How To Crown Yourself a Millionaire MMOOMM

Being a Millionaire MMOOMM  is all about mindset. Whether you want to maintain progress towards health goals, business goals, confidence or towards a hot steamy marriage, it all comes down to how you choose to think. 

Yes, following through on action items so you meet deadlines and complete projects matter. That is a major part of being a Millionaire MMOOMM. However, mindset is what fuels you to get those action items done.

Mindset is what propels you to wake up early to write that blog post. Mindset is what inspires you to pass on the cake and instead have a bowl of fruit and yogurt for dessert. Mindset is what makes a Millionaire MMOOMM. 

Now here's the catch! 

It takes action to cultivate the Millionaire MMOOMM Mindset (MMMindset). It takes practicing the processes in the Millionaire MMOOMM’s Club Manifesto.

Check out a quick overview of the processes and cultivate the Millionaire MMOOMM Mindset here: https://millionairemmoommsclub.blogspot.com/2021/12/millionaire-mmoomm-mindset-2022.html


And Join the Community on Meet-up.com


Still not convinced? Here’s my story of how I went from feeling stuck to looking and feeling successful as a wife, mom and entrepreneur.


I woke up one morning in 2018 and did not recognize the woman looking back at me in the mirror. I was in my late 30’s, overweight, depressed, overwhelmed and dreading each day. From the outside it looked like I had it all. 

I was successfully married, had two beautiful children and I didn’t have to work because my husband had a career that made it possible for me to focus on my family and be a stay at home mom. I dare not complain that I was unhappy. My peers who were working hard each and every day to make ends meet, or struggling with ‘deadbeat baby daddies’ were the ones who were allowed to complain. But not me. Not from the comfort of my home, where I was free to spend my days the ways I wanted to. 

But was I free? 

I struggled to articulate what I really felt out of guilt over not being thankful enough for what I had. Afterall, I did actually have everything that I always wanted; a family. But I still felt incomplete. I felt lost. Like somewhere between perfecting my  grilled chicken recipe, mastering the art of keeping socks mated and supporting my husband's career, I, Sylvia, was lost. 

I had vanished and disappeared into thin air. What was left was a mom, a wife, a housekeeper, and personal chef. And even in those key areas of being a wife and mom I felt like I was failing. I felt like the more my husband advanced and climbed the ladder the less appealing I was to him as this ‘dependent’ who couldn’t put ketchup on a hotdog. My children were seemingly always with me, I never got a break from them which made them less adorable and sweet and more needy and burdensome. 

But who could I complain to? Who could I actually tell, that even though I had everything I said I wanted, I was still unhappy? I felt like I didn't want to get out of bed each morning if it meant that all I was going to do was; Hear “mommy!” screamed a million times a day; Clean never ending messes; Wait for my husband to come home; Then watch him proceed to ignore me and the children as he relaxed by zoning out into his laptop and television.  His (deserved) way to decompress after a long day of earning the very money that I used to buy anything I needed (all the way down to maxi pads and tampons?!?!?!?!).

 Insert scream here!!

Sadly (for me) all the moms in the playgroups I was a part of seemed happy! They enjoyed fretting over their children and talking about the details of their husbands work days as though they truly got satisfaction from supporting them. I hated those happy moms. 

Maybe I envied them. That they were content even though they were living the same circumstances I was. I couldn't even stand to listen to another one of their conversations and began removing myself from the groups. 

I was at my wits end, drowning in disappointment, resentment and feelings of failure when fate would have it. I reconnected with one of my best friends from highschool. Seeing her reminded me of the girl I once was. The girl who had goals and plans. The National Honor Society treasurer. The star in the Senior Musical, “Sweet Charity”. The person who read the announcements each morning over the PA system to a building of over 3,600 highschool students. The girl who dreamed of having a happy family, but also so much more. The girl who saw her future as bright and limitless.

 I was initially embarrassed about where I was in life by comparison. My friend seemingly had everything we both dreamed of as teens. She had the degrees, the house, the Range Rover, the life!! She was taking vacations and having parties with her college friends at her beautifully decorated, perfectly staged, HGTV-featured-home. But I found a way to confide in her how unhappy I was. She listened and then assigned me a task that would change the trajectory of my life. 

She asked me to write down what I needed to make me happy. 

It was actually hard to write it. I didn't even know what it would take to make me happy. Did I write, “create a time machine, go back and undo some things, like graduate from college, establish a career earlier,  not eat all those double cheeseburgers”?  It took soul searching. I had focused on what I didn’t want for so long that it was hard to consider what it was that I did want. One of the biggest struggles was that I was no longer an individual, I was a mom and wife. How could I think about what I, alone, needed? Wasn’t that utterly selfish and against the oath I took when I brought my beautiful bundles of joy home from the hospital? As a part of a pair as a married woman, didn't I have to now think of what WE wanted? 

So many confusing thoughts! 

It took a week to untangle my feelings of guilt and obligation, but I did it.  On January 23, 2018 from a place of utter hopelessness I wrote:

What I need to be happy

  1. Financial Independence beginning at $60k annual salary. I want to love what I do, either as an entrepreneur or a worker in the counseling/therapy industry. 

  2. Freedom to travel for quick weekend trips, freedom to make my own decisions, freedom to move around my city, freedom from emotional distress.

  3. Social life where I can spend time with friends and people I love. Regular outings with non family members. 

  4. Pride in parenting where I feel I am giving my children the tools they need to be successful.

  5. Sexual Satisfaction where sex is a thank you we give each other for all the other value we bring to each other's lives. 

  6. Feeling of Optimism where I am looking forward to life each day.

Fast forward a couple years.

💎✨As a result of writing that list I re-enrolled in (an online) college to finish my Bachelors of Science in Psychology. 

💎✨I developed (and followed) the “Family First, Business Second, But Really Me First” Comprehensive Health Plan. The results were the loss of over 50lbs and less depression symptoms. I also learned healthier ways to handle my stress which has allowed me to keep 25 of those pounds off after four years; and I have the shape of my dreams! 

💎✨ I developed ( and follow) the Millionaire MMOOMMs Club Manifesto which inspires me daily to live a life of purpose. The results of following the Manifesto was: I get up each day and get dressed (good bye living in my PJ’s). Multiple opportunities for growth and exposure for my brand and businesses have been offered. Lastly, it is much easier to pull myself out of a rut.

💎✨ I now take time for myself which makes mom life feel like the blessing it truly it is.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it 😉. Can you relate?

If yes, maybe you’re ready to check out a quick overview of the Millionaire MMOOMM’s Club Manifesto and cultivate the Millionaire MMOOMM Mindset here: https://millionairemmoommsclub.blogspot.com/2021/12/millionaire-mmoomm-mindset-2022.html


And Join the Community on Meet-up.com



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