

Peace Queens ✨💎 Guess what… I started today off in a funk! And that’s okay. It’s not where you start, but where you end up that matters.

I had to remind myself; Crowning yourself a Millionaire MMOOMM is not the sign that you have made it. It’s the sign that says you’re trying.

Trying to be a better mom.

Trying to feel more equality in your marriage.

Trying to get organized.

Trying to build wealth while still taking care of your family.

Trying to get in shape.


Being a Millionaire MMOOMM means that you recognize the distance between where you are and where you want to be. Yet, you’re not intimidated by the distance. You’ve decided it’s time for you to start making progress towards those goals. Now!

You crowned yourself a Millionaire MMOOMM because you want to do something different. You want to believe in yourself. You want to spend time with other moms who think the same way. You want to feel encouraged by being in the company of women who are doing the very thing you want to do. 

So, how did I get out of my funk? I loosely followed the steps here. I went to the gym ( even though I did NOT want to be there.) I called an uplifting friend. I thought about you. Lastly. I took my time getting dressed. I enjoyed the process and used it to turn myself on.

✨💎Bottom Line…If you think you’re not worthy of the title Millionaire MMOOMM just because you haven’t figured it all out yet. Join the Club! Us Millionaire MMOOMMS are trying. 

Just like you. 

Can you relate?

If yes, maybe you’re ready to check out a quick overview of the Millionaire MMOOMM’s Club Manifesto and cultivate the Millionaire MMOOMM Mindset here: https://millionairemmoommsclub.blogspot.com/2021/12/millionaire-mmoomm-mindset-2022.html


And Join the Community on Meet-up.com


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